Commercial and Residential, Challenging Lots, Sensitive Projects, Alternative Systems
Site Evaluations
A Site Evaluation means evaluating soil and site conditions for the purpose of locating areas suitable for individual sewage disposal systems as well as building and well locations for septic system design and subdivision applications. This is usually recommended if purchasing a piece of property to determine if it is a “building lot”.
Site Assessments
A Site Assessment is required prior to executing a purchase and sale agreement for any “developed waterfront property” using a septic disposal system. “Developed waterfront property” means any parcel of land upon which stands a structure suitable for either seasonal or year-round human occupancy, where such parcel of land is contiguous to or within 200 feet of the reference line of a fresh water body, coastal waters, or a river. A Site Assessment Study must be conducted when any part of the property is within 200 feet of the reference line, not merely when the structure or septic disposal system is within 200 feet of the reference line. Site Assessments are to protect the seller as well as notify the buyer of what they can do with the land in regards to lot loading.
Plot Plans
Plot Plans may be required by the local governing body or municipality prior to going before the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, and/or Conservation Commission.
Soil Analysis
Test Pits are dug to at least 4’ to determine soil characteristics and profile description to include Color notations based on the Munsell Soil Color Charts, Soil Structure, Soil Texture, Soil Consistency, Redoximorphic Features, and depth range for each soil horizon. Test Pits are required for Subdivisions and Individual Sewage Disposal Systems.
Wetland Delineation
Wetlands are defined in RSA 482-A:2, X, namely an area that is inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal conditions does support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
A wetland delineation is required for subdivisions and most plot plans.
Septic Design
A Septic Design consists of a Site Evaluation, measuring using survey equipment to map out the topography and site conditions, deed research for the most environmental and economical approach. We can design a variety of systems to include but not limited to Stone and Pipe, Trench, Chambers, Enviro-Septic, Advanced Enviro-Septic, Eljen, and Wastewater Alternatives (Clean Solution – ATU Aerobic Treatment System). We also design serial, parallel, and sloping systems to best fit the characteristics of your property.
A Septic Design is not required for replacing a septic tank per Env-Wq 1010.14 (NHDES Subsurface Rule), replacing a pump or distribution box, or adding or replacing a vent, when no work is done on the effluent disposal area.
Subdivision rules are to assure to the greatest extent possible that each lot in a subdivision or the property which a condominium is proposed can sustain on-site sewage disposal indefinitely for smart growth.
A subdivision is almost always required for local approval (town/municipality) and required for State approval if the lots are less than 5 acres or within the Protected Shoreland for water bodies located on the “Consolidated List of Water Bodies subject to the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act”.
Shoreland Permits
A Shoreland Permit is required when new construction or construction that modifies the footprint of an existing impervious surfaces, using mechanized equipment to either excavate, remove or form a cavity within the ground and filling any areas with rock, soil, gravel or sand within 250’ landward (horizontal surveyors line) from the reference line of protected water bodies. All lakes, ponds and impoundments greater than 10 acres, all 4th order and greater streams and rivers, all designated rivers and river segments under RSA 483 (The Rivers Management & Protection Act) and all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide (including tidal marshes, rivers and estuaries). All water bodies protected under the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act are located on the “Consolidated List of Water Bodies subject to the Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act”.
A Shoreland Permit consists of measuring using survey equipment to map out the topography and site conditions, deed research, a pre construction plan, post construction plan and necessary paperwork for the submission.
Wetland Permits
Wetland Permits are required for disturbance to any wetland, water body and/or its bank. (Examples: Pond Creation, driveway crossing)
Septic Evaluations
Septic Evaluations are performed using the techniques and guidelines from the most current Certified Septic Evaluators Manual.
*Not all services shown, call for inquiries
Cheshire County: Alstead, Chesterfield, Dublin, Fitzwilliam, Gilsum, Harrisville, Hinsdale, Jaffrey, Keene, Marlborough, Marlow, Nelson, Richmond, Rindge, Roxbury, Stoddard, Sullivan, Surry, Swanzey, Troy, Walpole, Westmoreland, Winchester
Hillsborough County: Amherst, Antrim, Greenfield, Greenville, Hancock, Hillsboro, Mason, Milford, New Ipswich, Peterborough, Temple, Wilton
Sullivan County: Acworth, Charlestown, Langdon, Lempster, Washington
*Call if your Town is not listed above
*Not all shown, call for inquiries